Do you have accounts that you've marked as closed in Quicken Simplifi and you no longer want to see them in your Accounts List? Or perhaps you don't want to see your Savings Goals contributions in your Accounts List. Well, look no further! You can now hide either or both of these items so your Accounts List looks just the way you want it.
Hide Closed Accounts
When you hide Closed Accounts from your Accounts List, any accounts that have been marked as "closed" will no longer be displayed with their $0 balance.
Click the Menu icon (the three lines in the upper left corner).
Select Accounts.
Click the three dots to the upper right of the Accounts List.
Uncheck the box for Show closed account.
Hide Savings Goals
When you hide Savings Goals from your Accounts List, you won't see how much you've contributed from that account, or what your available balance is after Savings Goals contributions. This data will also be removed from the account balance in the upper right when the account is selected.
Click the Menu icon (the three lines in the upper left corner).
Select Accounts.
Click the three dots to the upper right of the Accounts List.
Uncheck the box for Show savings goals breakdown.
To learn more about Hiding Closed Accounts and Savings Goals from the Accounts List on the Quicken Simplifi Web App, please click here!