If you're looking to track your credit score and your finances all in one place, look no further than Quicken Simplifi! With the new Credit Score feature, you can keep a close eye on your credit, as well as see some handy tips regarding your score.
Things to Note
Checking your credit score in Quicken Simplifi has no impact on your score.
Your credit score can be checked and updated monthly.
Your credit score is provided by VantageScore 3.0 and is based on data from Equifax.
The Credit Score feature is only available to U.S. residents.
If you've moved within the last 6 months, we suggest using your old address when registering.
Once registered, you cannot unregister.
You must be the owner of the dataset, so you cannot use this feature while Space Sharing.
How to Register
Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Reports.
Select Credit Score and then click Get Started.
Fill out the form completely; this includes your name, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and address. You must also agree to the terms and identity verification.
Click Continue when done.
Check your mobile device for a verification text message and click the link.
Once verified, your registration will be complete!
Credit Score History
In the Credit Score feature, you'll see a Credit Score History tab. This will provide you with the history of your credit score as reflected in Quicken Simplifi. You can use this tab to see how your credit score changes over time!
To learn about using the Credit Score feature on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App, please click here!
If you have any questions about checking your Credit Score in Quicken Simplifi, our Support Team is just a click away!