Having the ability to review your finances over a period of time is a great way to understand your spending habits and make plans for the future. Well, look no further! In Quicken Simplifi's Reports section, you’ll be able to review your spending and income by a Payee’s name, Category, or even a Tag, as well as access your Monthly Summary, and even track refunds. Reports are a great tool to help keep your finances under control!
Note: Transactions that are excluded from Reports will still be displayed in the Transaction Activity of the Report, but will be greyed out and will not be counted toward the calculations.
How to Access Reports
To get to the Reports section, hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Reports:
Using Filters
In your Reports, you'll have the ability to select what kind of historical information you want to review, as well as how you'd like it sorted, and using the different Filter options can help simplify your view.
With the Breakdown filter, you can select if you'd like your Report to be broken down by Payee, Category, Tag, or by nothing at all. With the Date Range option, you can select the date range by which you'd like to view your data. And with the available Filters option, you can refine your data even further.
Filtering Your Spending by Category Report to View Subcategories
You can also Filter the Spending by Category Report to easily view your Subcategories! To do so, you'll want to navigate to the Spending Report, make sure the Breakdown is 'By Category', and then select Filters.
Next, from the Categories tab in the Filters window, you can expand the primary Category options by clicking the little arrow to the left of the Category, which will then allow you to select the Subcategories you'd like to view in your Report. Once done, click Apply, and voila!
Note: If you selected multiple Subcategories to filter your Report by, you can click on the primary Category from the graph to see the breakdown of each individual Subcategory.
Types of Reports
Quicken Simplifi offers a variety of Reports, depending on what you're looking for!
Spending Report
With the Spending Report, you’ll be able to see exactly where your money is going, and with the available Filter options, you can drill down into your spending even further.
Income Report
With the Income Report, you’ll have access to all of the same features as the Spending Report, but this Report will break down your income.
Net Income Report
With the Net Income Report, you can monitor your net income (income after expenses) from previous months, as well as see where you're at for the current month.
Savings Report
The Savings Report allows you to see how your savings grows over time!
Net Worth Report
The Net Worth Report shows you your net worth over time based on historical account balances.
Monthly Summary
Want to know what your finances look like at the end of the month? Well, look no further, and behold the Monthly Summary Report! Take a look at your top Categories and Payees for the month, as well as compare your total expenses and income from the previous month. You can also see the progress made towards your Goals!
If you have early access enabled, you can now use our new Tax Report! This report provides a detailed breakdown of your income and deductible expenses throughout the year. You can also export your Tax Report as a .CSV or Microsoft Excel file for easy record-keeping and analysis.
To export your Tax Report:
Hover over the panel on the left and select Reports.
Select Taxes.
On the right, click on the three-dot icon.
If you wish to export your Tax Report to a .CSV file click Export to .CSV.
If you to export your your Tax Report to a Microsoft Excel file, click Export to Excel.
Select a location to save your file and click Save.
The option to export your tax report to a .CSV or Microsoft Excel sheet is only available while using Quicken Simplifi while on the web.
Credit Score
With the Credit Score feature, you can keep a close eye on your credit, as well as see some handy tips regarding your score.
For more information on how to use the Credit Score feature, click here!
Refund Tracker
With most of us shopping online these days, we know how hard it is to keep track of all of the items you've returned and when you should expect to receive the refund. Let Quicken Simplifi do that for you!
For more information on how to use the Refund Tracker, click here!
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn the answers to frequently asked questions for this topic!
Can I download or print a report?
Can I download or print a report?
Quicken Simplifi doesn't offer the ability to download or print Reports. However, you can export the Transaction Activity associated with a Report into a CSV file that can be printed.
To learn how to export transactions, check out our help article here!
Please note that exporting transactions is currently only available on the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
Why does the Net Worth Report not show all of my data?
Why does the Net Worth Report not show all of my data?
The Net Worth Report is designed to start tracking balances from the day you add your account(s) in Quicken Simplifi as opposed to the date of the first transaction.
If you would like to see this changed, please be sure to add your vote and feedback here!
How do I exclude transactions from my reports?
How do I exclude transactions from my reports?
Excluding transactions from Reports is super easy! You can exclude a transaction from the Report directly, as well as anywhere else you see your transactions in Quicken Simplifi.
When excluding a transaction from Reports, you'll still see the transaction in the Transaction Activity of the Report, however, it will not be included in the calculations.
Find out more here!
How do I exclude an account from my reports?
How do I exclude an account from my reports?
You can easily exclude an entire account from Reports! Doing so will also exclude the account from Watchlists.
Learn how to exclude an account here!
How are credit card payments and transfers handled in my reports?
How are credit card payments and transfers handled in my reports?
Transactions with a 'Transfer' category, including "Credit Card Payment", will always be excluded from Reports, even if you select to include it.
Please see here for more details on using Transfers in Quicken Simplifi.
What is the "Everything Else" bucket in the Spending Report?
What is the "Everything Else" bucket in the Spending Report?
The Spending Report will only show the top 8 Categories, and then everything else will be placed into the "Everything else" bucket.
To see your additional spending Categories, just click on Everything else for a drill-down!
If you need any assistance with Quicken Simplifi' s Reports, you can contact our Support Team here.
To learn about using Reports on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App, please click here.