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How to Export Transactions

Learn how to download your transactions to a CSV file

Natalie avatar
Written by Natalie
Updated over 3 weeks ago


Quicken Simplifi comes fully equipped with the ability to export your transactions to a CSV file so they can be accessed and used outside of Quicken Simplifi.

Export Tips

  • If you're looking to just export transactions with certain criteria, such as a specific Category or Payee, you can easily do so by selecting the Filter Icon to the right of the Search bar and applying the filters you'd like. This will allow you to easily select the transactions you'd like to export while excluding the transactions outside of the selected filters.

  • To filter your export to a specific month, you can simply collapse all months outside of the month(s) you're looking for. This will allow you to easily select the transactions for the month(s) displayed, and exclude the transactions for all other months.

  • If you'd like to export all visible transactions in your register, you can simply place a checkmark in the box at the very top of your Transaction Activity (located to the far left of the column titles). This will select all visible transactions with just one click and allow you to avoid selecting each of the transactions individually.

Export Transactions From One Account

  1. Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.

  2. Select the account you'd like to export from.

  3. Hover over and place a checkmark in the box to the left of each transaction you'd like to export.

  4. Click the download arrow (arrow pointing down towards a line) in the upper right to download the selected transactions to a CSV file.

Export Transactions From Multiple Accounts

  1. Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.

  2. Select Banking.

  3. Click the Filter Icon, located at the end of the Search bar.

  4. Select Account, then place a checkmark in the box to the left of each account you'd like to export from.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Hover over and place a checkmark in the box to the left of each transaction you'd like to export.

  7. Click the download arrow (arrow pointing down towards a line) in the upper right to download the selected transactions to a CSV file.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I export a Report?

Currently, only the Tax report can be exported as a .CSV, Excel, .TXF, or .TXJ file. To export transactions from a report, navigate to Transaction Activity within the report and click Export to .CSV on the right.

For more information on how to use reports in Quicken Simplifi, click here!

Can I export Planned Spending and Other Spending transactions?

Yes! If you're viewing the Transaction List for a Planned Spending item, or for Other Spending, you'll see an "Export" option at the top -- clicking this will allow you to export the transactions displayed here.

Can I export transactions with a specific date range?

The ability to filter your Transaction Activity to a specific date range is not currently available in Quicken Simplifi. You can export an entire month's worth of transactions while excluding all other months by following the "Export Tips" above. Otherwise, we encourage you to join the discussion in our Community requesting a Date Range Filter by clicking here!

Can I export transactions from the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App?

At this time, the ability to export transactions is only available from the Quicken Simplifi Web App. We apologize for any inconvenience!

If you have any questions or need assistance with exporting transactions in Quicken Simplifi, please don't hesitate to reach out to our amazing Support Team!

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