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How Do Transfers Work?

Learn how to create and manage Transfers in Quicken Simplifi

Nicole avatar
Written by Nicole
Updated over 2 weeks ago


When using a Transfer category, it's important to remember that there are two sides to a transfer -- the initial transaction moving money from one account and a second transaction depositing the money into the other account.

Since money is only being moved between accounts, Transfers do not qualify as income or an expense. For example, making a payment to your credit card balance does not change your net worth; your balance in each account changes, but the sum of the accounts remains the same. As such, Quicken Simplifi does not automatically include these transactions in the Spending Plan or Reports by default.

Note: To learn how to include Transfers in the Spending Plan, click here!

Managing Linked Transfers

Quicken Simplifi will search for and identify transfers between accounts. While we work hard to ensure proper detection of transfers, there may be a time when you'll need to categorize a transaction as a "Transfer" manually.

If you'd like to categorize a transaction as a Linked Transfer, you must select the "to" account for the Category. Quicken Simplifi will attempt to link the Transfer in the "from" account to the correct transaction in the "to" account. However, if there is no existing transaction to link to, Quicken Simplifi will create a corresponding transaction in the "to" account.


  1. Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.

  2. Locate the Transfer Transaction.

  3. If the Category doesn't reflect the second account involved in the Transfer, click on the Category field to open the menu.

  4. Scroll down to Transfer and select the correct account name, or type in the other account name manually. Once selected, the transaction will automatically be linked to the other transaction; or, if the other transaction doesn't already exist, you'll be prompted to create one.

Accurately categorized Linked Transfers should have the corresponding account name in the Category field. You'll also have the option to "Go to other side:

Other "Transfer" Options

We also offer a couple of other Transfer options that you can use in place of a Linked Transfer. For example, Quicken Simplifi has a built-in Category of "Credit Card Payment" and a built-in Category of just "Transfer." You can use these options on any transaction to keep it neutral (neither income nor an expense) without requiring a corresponding transaction in the "to" account.

If you have any questions about using Transfers in Quicken Simplifi, please don't hesitate to reach out to our amazing Support Team!

To learn about using Transfers on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App, please click here!

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