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Billing a Client

Learn how to create billable items, add expenses, and send an invoice to a client.

Written by Paco
Updated over 2 months ago


Once you create a client in Quicken Business & Personal, you can easily start adding billable items, tracking expenses, and creating and reviewing invoices for them. In this article, we will go over how to add billable items and expenses to a client and how you can send them an invoice to pay!

If you want to track, bill, and report on a specific project for a client, click here!

Adding Billable items

Once you've created a client, you can start adding billable items to send them.

For more information on how to create and mange your clients, click here!

Instructions for Web:

  1. Hover over the panel on the left and select Clients & Projects.

  2. Under Client List, select the client you want to add billable items to.

  3. Under Ready to Bill, click the +Item button.

  4. Under Item, click on the dropdown arrow and click the +New Item button.

    1. If you previously created an item, you will see it saved in your the Item dropdown field.

  5. On the right, under Add Item, provide some information for your item.

    1. Name of the item

    2. A description of the item.

    3. The rate of the item.

    4. The category that best fits the item or service.

      1. If the item is taxable, click the Taxable box to the right of Rate.

  • After adding a billable item, you can adjust its quantity and rate in the Ready to Bill section by clicking the quantity or rate fields of that item.

  • If an item was entered in error or you just need to delete the item:

    1. Click on the three dot icon to the right of the item.

    2. Click Delete.

Instructions for Mobile:

  1. On the upper left corner, click the three-lined Menu icon.

  2. Select Clients & Projects.

  3. Under Client list, select the client you want to add billable items to.

  4. On the bottom of the screen, select View Client.

  5. In the Ready to Bill section, on the right, click on +Item.

  6. On the bottom of your screen, click Add new item.

  7. In the Add Item screen, provide some information for your item.

    1. Name of the item.

    2. A description of the item.

    3. The quantity of the item.

    4. Rate of the item.

    5. If the item is taxable.

    6. Category the best fits the item.

  8. Click Create.

  9. Review the item information that you entered and click Add Item.

  • In the event that you need to edit a billable item:

    1. Click on the item and on the bottom of your screen, click Edit Item.

    2. Make your adjustments as needed and click Update on the bottom of your screen.

Adding Expenses

Adding expenses lets you apply existing transactions to your clients and bill them. You can also choose not to bill the client but still track the transactions as expenses.

Instructions for Web:

  1. Hover over the panel on the left and select Clients & Projects.

  2. Under Client list, select the client you want to add expenses to.

  3. In the Expenses section, on the right, click on +Expense button.

  4. Search for the transactions that you want select as an expense and click it.

  5. Once you have found the transaction that you want to mark as a expense, click the transaction.

  6. Click Link.

    1. If you just want track the expense, uncheck the box to the left of Billable expense.

  • Once you have added an expense, you will see them listed under Expenses.

  • If you need to edit the transaction:

    1. Click on the three dot icon to the right of the expense.

    2. Click Edit transaction.

      • For more information on how to edit transactions, click here!

  • If you need to remove the expense:

    1. Click on the three dot icon to the right of the expense.

    2. Click Remove from project.

Instructions for Mobile:

  1. On the upper left corner, click the three-lined Menu icon.

  2. Select Clients & Projects.

  3. Under your Client List, select the client that you want to add expenses to.

  4. On the bottom of the screen, click View Client.

  5. In the Ready to Bill section, on the right, click on +Item.

  6. On the bottom of the screen. select Link expense.

  7. In the All Accounts dropdown, select the account that has the transaction that you want to link as an expense.

  8. Under Transaction Activity, locate the transaction by entering it's name in the Search transaction field or by reviewing the transactions listed on the screen.

  9. Once you have located the transaction, select it and, on the bottom of the page, click Link.

    1. If you just want to track the expense, uncheck the Billable expense check box above Link

  • Once you created your expense, you will see it listed under Ready to bill.

  • If you need to edit the expense:

    1. Under Ready to bill, click on the expense.

    2. On the bottom of your screen, click Edit transaction.

  • If you need to remove the expense from your client:

    1. Under Ready to bill, click on expense.

    2. On the bottom of the screen, click Remove from customer.

Sending an Invoice

Once you have added all of the items that are to be billed to your client, you are ready to send an invoice!

Instructions for Web:

  1. Hover over the panel on the left and select Clients & Projects.

  2. Under your Client list, select the client to whom you are ready to send an invoice.

  3. On the right, under Invoices, click on the on the invoice that is ready to be sent.

  4. Review your invoice and on the top right, click on Sent To...

  5. On the right of your screen, review the email address, subject line, and message attached to your client's invoice.

  6. Click Send.

    1. If you do not want to send your client an invoice, to the left of send, click Mark as sent (no email).

Instructions for Mobile:

  1. On the upper left corner, click the three-lined Menu icon.

  2. Select Clients & Projects.

  3. Under your Client List, select the client whom are ready to send an invoice.

  4. Under Invoices, click on the invoice that is ready to be sent.

  5. On the bottom of your screen, click on Ready to Bill Items.

  6. Review the invoice's details.

  7. After reviewing your invoice's details, scroll toward the bottom of the screen and click Send to...

  8. Review the email address, subject line, and message attached to your client's invoice.

  9. On the bottom of your screen, click Send.

If you have any additional questions, click on the messenger icon on the bottom of your screen to reach out to our support team!

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