While we've worked hard to ensure that Quicken Simplifi links transactions properly, there may be times when you'll need to manually link a downloaded transaction to a Recurring Reminder, or when you need to unlink a transaction from a Recurring Reminder if it was improperly linked. Since Quicken Simplifi is continually learning, linking transactions to Reminders will increase the odds that it matches correctly next time!
Note: For 'Past' Reminders, there can only be one instance in Quicken Simplifi at a time; once the next instance occurs, the prior instance will automatically be removed.
Link a Transaction to a Reminder
Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.
Select the account where the transaction occurred.
Locate the Reminder you'd like to link and click the three dots to the upper right of it.
Select Link to transaction.
Locate the matching transaction and click on it.
Note: Manual transactions will not be listed here. If you want to link a manual transaction to a Recurring Reminder, please follow the steps below to do so from the transaction directly.
Note: If you don't see the transaction listed and it's not a manual transaction, try changing the Account selection in the upper right corner of the Link Transaction window to the account the transaction resides in.
Click Link.
Once linked, Quicken Simplifi will remove the Recurring Reminder from the Bills & Payments view and match it to the downloaded transaction. The Payee and Category of the transaction will also be updated to match the details of the Reminder.
Link a Transaction to a Reminder from the Transaction Directly:
Note: If you'd like to link a manual transaction to a Recurring Reminder, it must be done from the transaction directly following the steps below.
Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.
Select the account where the transaction occurred.
Locate the transaction you'd like to link, hover over it, and click the three dots at the end of it.
Select Link to existing recurring.
Locate the associated Recurring Series and select it.
Unlink a Transaction from a Reminder
Hover over the panel on the left-hand side and select Transactions.
Select the account where the transaction occurred.
Locate the transaction you'd like to unlink, hover over it, and click the three dots at the end of it.
Select Un-link recurring.
Once unlinked from the transaction, the Recurring Reminder will be added back to the Bills & Payments view. The transaction changes that occurred at the time of linking (Category and Payee) will also be reverted.
To learn more about using our Recurring Transaction feature, check out our article here, or to learn more about linking and unlinking transactions to Reminders on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App, please click here!
If you have any trouble linking or unlinking transactions to Reminders in Quicken Simplifi, please don't hesitate to contact our wonderful Support Team.